Learning French Words That Start With B new language can be both exciting and challenging. However, French, known for its beauty, is no exception. To begin with, building a solid foundation is crucial, and it’s essential to start with common words. In this article, we’ll explore the 100 most common French words that begin with the letter B.
These words are essential for everyday conversations and will help you sound more natural. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your vocabulary, mastering these words is a smart move. With consistent practice, your language skills will grow, and you’ll gain more confidence.
Furthermore, understanding these basic words will make it easier to engage in dialogues and improve your communication skills. So, let’s dive into this vocabulary list and start building a robust foundation for your French language journey. This methodical approach will ensure you enhance your fluency step by step.
These are 100 words of French Start With B in Table Foam

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
Bonjour | Bonsoir | Bonne nuit | Beau |
Belle | Blanc | Bleu | Bon |
Bonne | Bouger | Bureau | Boire |
Banane | Bouquin | Balade | Boulot |
Bataille | Baguette | Bouton | Bouche |
Bébé | Bête | Billet | Bizarre |
Bijou | Balai | Bonheur | Boucher |
Bouillir | Bouclé | Bouteille | Brouillard |
Bâtiment | Barbe | Briller | Bruit |
Blesser | Brûler | Bougie | Bénévole |
Balançoire | Brume | Baisse | Baston |
Bâtir | Barrière | Bout | Ballon |
Bavarder | Biscuit | Bouder | Blague |
Bâtard | Bibliothèque | Bloc | Boulanger |
Bonbon | Boucle | Bourgeois | Braver |
Bois | Bêtise | Bonité | Boutique |
Brossé | Bavure | Banquet | Baiser |
Blé | Boucan | Berceuse | Bruine |
Bien | Barque | Bourrer | Berger |
Bord | Bouchette | Buffle | Blanchir |
Blouse | Bête noire | Baiser la main | Banc |
Baie | Boue | Bave | Bonnet |
Bouillon | Brève | Babiole | Baromètre |
Brindille | Barbecue | Bruissement | Baguette magique |
Bonapartiste | Barbare | Bouturage | Balustrade |
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Here are 100 words of French Start With B
1. Bonjour (Hello)
Use Bonjour to greet someone politely in the morning or afternoon.
2. Bonsoir (Good evening)
Say Bonsoir to greet someone in the evening.
3. Bonne nuit (Good night)
Use Bonne nuit to wish someone a good night.
4. Beau (Beautiful)
Beau describes something or someone as beautiful (masculine).
5. Belle (Beautiful, feminine)
Belle is the feminine version of beau.
6. Blanc (White)
Blanc refers to the color white.
7. Bleu (Blue)
Bleu refers to the color blue.
8. Bon (Good)
Bon is used to describe something good.
9. Bonne (Good, feminine)
Bonne is the feminine form of bon.
10. Bouger (To move)
Bouger means to move or shift something.
11. Bureau (Office)
A bureau is an office or desk.
12. Boire (To drink)
Boire means to drink a liquid.
13. Banane (Banana)
Banane refers to the fruit banana.
14. Bouquin (Book, informal)
Bouquin is an informal term for a book.
15. Balade (Walk)
A balade is a leisurely walk.
16. Boulot (Job, informal)
Boulot refers to a job or work, informally.
17. Bataille (Battle)
Bataille means a battle or fight.
18. Baguette (Breadstick)
A baguette is a long French breadstick.
19. Bouton (Button)
A bouton is a button on clothing.
20. Bouche (Mouth)
Bouche means mouth.
21. Bébé (Baby)
Bébé refers to a baby or infant.
22. Bête (Beast/animal)
Bête can mean an animal or refer to something silly.
23. Billet (Ticket)
A billet is a ticket for travel or events.
24. Bizarre (Weird)
Bizarre means strange or weird.
25. Bijou (Jewel)
A bijou is a jewel or piece of jewelry.
26. Balai (Broom)
A balai is used for sweeping.
27. Bonheur (Happiness)
Bonheur means happiness or joy.
28. Boucher (Butcher)
A boucher is someone who sells meat.
29. Bouillir (To boil)
Bouillir means to boil something.
30. Bouclé (Curly)
Bouclé describes curly hair or a looped texture.
31. Bouteille (Bottle)
A bouteille is a bottle used for liquids.
32. Brouillard (Fog)
Brouillard refers to fog or mist.
33. Bâtiment (Building)
A bâtiment is a structure or building.
34. Barbe (Beard)
Barbe refers to facial hair on the chin.
35. Briller (To shine)
Briller means to shine or sparkle.
36. Bruit (Noise)
Bruit refers to any kind of noise.
37. Blesser (To hurt)
Blesser means to hurt or injure someone.
38. Brûler (To burn)
Brûler means to burn something.
39. Bougie (Candle)
A bougie is a candle.
40. Bénévole (Volunteer)
A bénévole is someone who volunteers.
41. Balançoire (Swing)
A balançoire is a swing, like on a playground.
42. Brume (Mist)
Brume means mist or light fog.
43. Baisse (Drop)
Baisse refers to a drop or decrease.
44. Baston (Fight, informal)
Baston is an informal term for a fight.
45. Bâtir (To build)
Bâtir means to construct or build.
46. Barrière (Barrier)
A barrière is a barrier or fence.
47. Bout (End)
Bout means the end or tip of something.
48. Ballon (Ball)
A ballon is a ball used in sports.
49. Bavarder (To chat)
Bavarder means to chat or talk casually.
50. Biscuit (Cookie)
A biscuit is a cookie or biscuit.
51. Bouder (To sulk)
Bouder means to sulk or pout.
52. Blague (Joke)
A blague is a joke.
53. Bâtard (Bastard)
Bâtard is a derogatory term meaning illegitimate child or bastard.
54. Bibliothèque (Library)
A bibliothèque is a library.
55. Bloc (Block)
Bloc refers to a block or chunk of something.
56. Boulanger (Baker)
A boulanger is a baker.
57. Bonbon (Candy)
Bonbon refers to candy or sweets.
58. Boucle (Loop)
A boucle is a loop or curl.
59. Bourgeois (Middle-class)
Bourgeois refers to the middle class.
60. Braver (To brave)
Braver means to be brave or face something courageously.
61. Bois (Wood)
Bois refers to wood or timber.
62. Bêtise (Mistake)
A bêtise is a mistake or blunder.
63. Bonité (Goodness)
Bonité refers to goodness or quality.
64. Boutique (Shop)
A boutique is a small shop.
65. Brossé (Brushed)
Brossé means brushed.
66. Bavure (Smudge)
A bavure is a smudge or blot.
67. Banquet (Banquet)
A banquet is a large feast.
68. Baiser (Kiss)
Baiser means a kiss.
69. Blé (Wheat)
Blé refers to wheat.
70. Boucan (Racket)
Boucan means a loud noise or racket.
71. Berceuse (Lullaby)
A berceuse is a lullaby.
72. Bruine (Drizzle)
Bruine refers to light rain or drizzle.
73. Bien (Well)
Bien means well or good.
74. Barque (Boat)
A barque is a small boat.
75. Bourrer (To stuff)
Bourrer means to stuff or fill tightly.
76. Berger (Shepherd)
A berger is a shepherd.
77. Bord (Edge)
Bord refers to the edge or border.
78. Bouchette (Little mouth)
Bouchette is a diminutive of mouth.
79. Buffle (Buffalo)
Buffle refers to a buffalo.
80. Blanchir (To whiten)
Blanchir means to whiten or bleach.
81. Blouse (Blouse)
A blouse is a piece of clothing.
82. Bête noire (Pet peeve)
Bête noire refers to something particularly disliked.
83. Baiser la main (To kiss the hand)
Baiser la main is a formal greeting.
84. Banc (Bench)
A banc is a bench.
85. Baie (Bay)
Baie refers to a bay or small body of water.
86. Boue (Mud)
Boue means mud.
87. Bave (Drool)
Bave refers to drool or saliva.
88. Bonnet (Cap)
A bonnet is a type of cap.
89. Bouillon (Broth)
Bouillon refers to a broth.
90. Brève (Brief)
Brève means brief or short.
91. Babiole (Trinket)
A babiole is a small trinket or ornament.
92. Baromètre (Barometer)
A baromètre measures atmospheric pressure.
93. Brindille (Twig)
Brindille refers to a twig or small branch.
94. Barbecue (Barbecue)
A barbecue is a grill or outdoor cooking event.
95. Bruissement (Rustling)
Bruissement means rustling.
96. Baguette magique (Magic wand)
Baguette magique refers to a magic wand.
97. Bonapartiste (Supporter of Napoleon Bonaparte)
A bonapartiste supports Napoleon Bonaparte’s policies.
98. Barbare (Barbarian)
Barbare means barbarian or uncivilized.
99. Bouturage (Cutting, in gardening)
Bouturage is a method of plant propagation.
100. Balustrade (Balustrade)
A balustrade is a railing.
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Expanding your vocabulary is a vital step in mastering any language. Starting with B, learning these 100 common French words will greatly enhance your language skills. With regular practice, these words will become part of your everyday conversations. Moreover, they provide a strong foundation for further language development.
By familiarizing yourself with these essential words, you’ll feel more confident when speaking or writing in French. Also, understanding these terms will help you navigate various dialogues with ease.
Remember, building a robust vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. However, each new word you learn brings you closer to language proficiency. So, keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Every mistake is an opportunity to grow.
In the end, mastering these words will not only improve your communication skills but also enhance your ability to engage in meaningful conversations. Keep pushing forward, and success will follow.

James Smith is an experienced blogger at PhrasePick, where he shares his expertise in English grammar and figurative language. With a passion for simplifying complex topics, James creates engaging content that helps readers master the nuances of the English language.