In the vast world of science, words hold great power, especially when exploring complex topics. Understanding scientific terminology is crucial whether it’s biology, physics, or chemistry. Science Words That Start With D are particularly prominent across various scientific disciplines.
From familiar terms like DNA and diffusion to more specialized concepts such as dark matter. The Doppler effect, these words are essential in explaining natural phenomena. Starting with D, this list of 120 science words provides a comprehensive collection of key terms used in the scientific lexicon. It is a valuable resource for students, professionals, and enthusiasts seeking to expand their science vocabulary and deepen their understanding of the natural world.
Here is the table with only the words, arranged in 4 columns:

Word | Word | Word | Word |
DNA | Degeneration | Depletion | Diploid Number |
Diffusion | Dysplasia | Deformation | Dead Zone |
Dark Matter | Deionization | DNA Sequencing | Density Gradient |
Doppler Effect | Dilution | Desmosome | Decibel |
Dehydration | Differentiation | Dysfunction | Duality |
Diabetes | Deduction | Dose-Response | Diurnal Cycle |
Deoxyribose | Distribution | Diatom | Desulfurization |
Denaturation | Data Analysis | Disaccharide | Ductile |
Diploid | Digital Signal Processing | Dehydration Synthesis | Detonation |
Dendrite | Debugging | Dopaminergic | Dry Ice |
Digestive Enzymes | Database | Deuterostome | Donor Atom |
Dormancy | Desiccation | Dysentery | Degenerate Orbitals |
Desalination | Diffraction | Dura Mater | Dynamic Load |
Dissociation | Displacement Reaction | Diptera | Dyspepsia |
Diffusion Coefficient | Deuterium | Demagnetization | Dermis |
Decomposition | Diapause | Double Bond | Detoxification |
Deposition | Detritivore | Dextrorotary | Deuterated Compounds |
Desertification | Dichotomous Key | Dinucleotide | Dendritic Cells |
Diaphragm | Decomposers | Diopter | Direct Current |
Dynamic Equilibrium | Dynamic Pressure | Dissolved Oxygen | Diurnal Rhythm |
Drag Force | Dissolution | Daylight Saving Time | Desiccator |
Decay Constant | Detritus | Density | Demyelination |
Damping | Distillation | Domain | Drag Coefficient |
Divergent Plate Boundary | Diurnal | Deterministic | Dichroism |
Downwelling | Dipole | Drug Metabolism | Differential Equation |
Drift | Double Helix | Dilation | Doubling Time |
Diode | Diffusion Barrier | Damping Ratio | Disjunction |
Defibrillation | Decompression | Dehydrogenase | Divergence |
Dentition | Demographic | Dielectric Constant | Diurnal Species |
Dermatology | Dependent Variable | Denitrification | Dihybrid Cross |
Here’s a list of 120 science words starting with “D,” each with a brief example.

Read More:125 Science Words That Start With O
DNA – Genetic material that carries hereditary information.
Diffusion – Movement of molecules from high to low concentration.
Dark Matter – Mysterious substance making up most of the universe’s mass.
Doppler Effect – Change in wave frequency due to the motion of the source.
Dehydration – Loss of water from a body or substance.
Diabetes – A disease characterized by high blood sugar levels.
Deoxyribose – A sugar component of DNA.
Denaturation – Structural change in proteins, often caused by heat.
Diploid – Cells containing two sets of chromosomes.
Dendrite – Branch-like extension of a neuron that receives signals.
Digestive Enzymes – Proteins that break down food in the digestive system.
Dormancy – Period in which growth or activity is temporarily stopped.
Desalination – Process of removing salt from seawater.
Dissociation – Separation of a compound into smaller molecules or ions.
Diffusion Coefficient – Measure of the diffusion rate of particles.
Decomposition – Breakdown of a substance into simpler components.
Deposition – Geological process where material is added to a landform.
Desertification – Process where fertile land becomes desert.
Diaphragm – Muscle that plays a major role in breathing.
Dynamic Equilibrium – Balance between opposing processes in a system.
Drag Force – Resistance force caused by a fluid, such as air.
Decay Constant – A constant describing the rate of radioactive decay.
Damping – Reduction of the amplitude of an oscillation.
Divergent Plate Boundary – Area where tectonic plates move apart.
Downwelling – The sinking of cold, dense water in the ocean.
Drift – Movement of particles or organisms due to external forces.
Diode – A component that allows current to flow in one direction.
Defibrillation – Medical procedure to restore normal heart rhythm.
Dentition – Arrangement or condition of teeth.
Dermatology – Branch of medicine dealing with the skin.
Degeneration – Deterioration or loss of function in cells or tissues.
Dysplasia – Abnormal growth or development of cells.
Deionization – Removal of ions from a solution.
Dilution – Process of reducing the concentration of a solute in a solution.
Differentiation – Process where cells become specialized in structure and function.
Deduction – Logical process of reasoning from one or more premises.
Distribution – Statistical term describing how values are spread out.
Data Analysis – Examination and interpretation of data.
Digital Signal Processing – Manipulation of signals using digital techniques.
Debugging – Process of identifying and fixing errors in software.
Database – Organized collection of data, generally stored electronically.
Desiccation – Extreme dryness or the process of drying out.
Diffraction – Bending of light around an object or through a slit.
Displacement Reaction – Chemical reaction where one element replaces another.
Deuterium – A heavy isotope of hydrogen.
Diapause – Period of suspended development in an organism.
Detritivore – Organism that feeds on dead organic material.
Dichotomous Key – Tool used to identify organisms based on characteristics.
Decomposers – Organisms that break down dead material.
Dynamic Pressure – Pressure exerted by a fluid in motion.
Dissolution – Process of dissolving a solute in a solvent.
Detritus – Dead organic matter in an ecosystem.
Distillation – Process of purifying liquids by heating and cooling.
Diurnal – Active during the daytime.
Dipole – Pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles.
Double Helix – Structure formed by DNA strands twisted together.
Diffusion Barrier – A barrier preventing the movement of particles.
Decompression – Reduction in pressure, especially in a diving context.
Demographic – Statistical data relating to populations.
Dependent Variable – Variable being tested and measured in an experiment.
Depletion – Reduction in the quantity of a resource.
Deformation – Change in the shape of an object due to force.
DNA Sequencing – Process of determining the order of nucleotides in DNA.
Desmosome – Structure that helps bind cells together.
Dysfunction – Abnormal or impaired functioning of an organ or system.
Dose-Response – Relationship between the dose of a drug and its effects.
Diatom – A type of algae with a silica-based cell wall.
Disaccharide – A sugar molecule composed of two monosaccharides.
Dehydration Synthesis – Reaction that forms a bond by removing water.
Dopaminergic – Refers to neurons that release dopamine.
Deuterostome – Organisms in which the anus forms before the mouth during development.
Dysentery – Intestinal infection causing severe diarrhea.
Dura Mater – Tough outer layer of the brain’s protective membranes.
Diptera – Order of insects known as flies, characterized by having two wings.
Demagnetization – Process of removing magnetism from a material.
Double Bond – A type of chemical bond where two pairs of electrons are shared.
Dextrorotary – Substance that rotates plane-polarized light to the right.
Dinucleotide – A molecule composed of two nucleotides.
Diopter – Unit of measurement for the refractive power of lenses.
Dissolved Oxygen – Amount of oxygen dissolved in water.
Daylight Saving Time – Practice moving the clock forward to extend evening daylight.
Density – Mass per unit volume of a substance.
Domain – Highest taxonomic rank in biology, above kingdom.
Deterministic – Process that operates with a fixed set of rules and no randomness.
Drug Metabolism – Process of breaking down drugs in the body.
Dilation – Expansion or enlargement of a body part, like a blood vessel.
Damping Ratio – Measure of how oscillations in a system decay after a disturbance.
Dehydrogenase – Enzyme involved in oxidation-reduction reactions.
Dielectric Constant – Measure of a material’s ability to store electrical energy.
Denitrification – Process where bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas.
Diploid Number – Total number of chromosomes in a diploid cell.
Dead Zone – Area in the ocean with insufficient oxygen to support life.
Density Gradient – Gradual change in density within a substance.
Decibel – Unit used to measure the intensity of sound.
Duality – Principle in quantum physics where particles can exhibit both wave and particle properties.
Diurnal Cycle – The pattern of daily changes in environmental conditions.
Desulfurization – Process of removing sulfur from a substance.
Ductile – Material capable of being drawn into thin wires without breaking.
Detonation – Rapid combustion leading to an explosion.
Dry Ice – Solid form of carbon dioxide used for cooling.
Donor Atom – An atom that donates electrons in a chemical reaction.
Degenerate Orbitals – Orbitals having the same energy levels in an atom.
Dynamic Load – Load on a structure that changes over time.
Dyspepsia – Medical term for indigestion.
Dermis – The thick layer of skin beneath the epidermis.
Detoxification – Removal of toxic substances from the body.
Deuterated Compounds – Compounds where hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium.
Dendritic Cells – Immune cells that present antigens to T-cells.
Direct Current – A type of electric current that flows in one direction.
Diurnal Rhythm – Biological processes that cycle every 24 hours.
Desiccator – Device used to keep substances dry.
Demyelination – Damage to the protective covering of nerve fibers.
Drag Coefficient – A number that represents the drag or resistance of an object in a fluid environment.
Dichroism – Optical property where a material shows different colors when viewed from different angles.
Differential Equation – A mathematical equation involving derivatives.
Doubling Time – The time it takes for a quantity to double in size.
Disjunction – Separation of homologous chromosomes during cell division.
Divergence – Process where two species evolve in different directions from a common ancestor.
Diurnal Species – Organisms active during daylight hours.
Dihybrid Cross – Genetic cross involving two different traits.
Read More:130 Science Words That Start With R
Science is filled with terms that help explain our world, and those starting with the letter “D” are no exception. Whether discussing DNA, diffusion, or dark matter, each word plays a vital role in various scientific disciplines. These terms are fundamental for advancing knowledge in fields like biology, physics, and chemistry.
Mastering these science words enriches your understanding of the natural and physical world. Providing clarity in both everyday science and advanced research. By familiarizing yourself with this list of 120 science words starting with D, you can broaden your scientific vocabulary and strengthen your grasp of essential concepts that define many areas of study.

James Smith is an experienced blogger at PhrasePick, where he shares his expertise in English grammar and figurative language. With a passion for simplifying complex topics, James creates engaging content that helps readers master the nuances of the English language.