The world of science is filled with interesting terms, each representing concepts that help us understand the universe. In this post, we explore 120 science words that start with the letter K, ranging from biology and chemistry to physics and beyond. Whether you’re a student, educator, or science enthusiast, these words will enhance your scientific vocabulary and knowledge.
From familiar terms like Kelvin and Kinetics to more specialized ones like Karyotype and Kuiper Belt, this list offers a comprehensive look at key scientific concepts. As you dive into these terms, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and precision of the scientific lexicon, all beginning with a single letter K.
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Here’s the table with only the 120 words arranged into four columns:

Kelvin | Ketosis | Kingdom | Kilobase |
Kinematics | Kaleidoscope | Kaon | Kinesin |
Karyotype | Karyokinesis | Ketone | Kinase |
Kinetic | Ketoacidosis | Kilogram | Kyphosis |
Keratin | Keratinization | Kinetin | Karyogamy |
Kaolinite | Kinetochore | Krypton | Kiloparsec |
Knot | Kala-azar | Karst | Kuru |
Keystone species | Ketogenesis | Kilojoule | Ketolysis |
Krill | Kinesthesia | Kinesiology | Kleptoplasty |
Kinesiology | Kinetoplast | Kurtosis | Krebs-Henseleit cycle |
Krebs cycle | Karyogamy | Kinetochore fiber | Karyoplasm |
Kelp | Kiloparsec | Kuiper Belt | Kinetoplastid |
Ketone body | Ketolytic | Kurtzke scale | Kinetosome |
Keratinization | Keratinocyte | Karyolymph | Klinokinesis |
Keratomycosis | Kinetoplast DNA | Karyomere | Kairomone |
Keratinophilic | Karyorrhexis | Ketoacidosis | Kinesitherapy |
Karyotyping | Ketogenic | Ketogenesis | Kenogenesis |
Keratectomy | Kinetoplast | Karyomicrosome | Karyomitosis |
Kinematic chain | Ketoreductase | Keratocyte | Ketosteroid |
Keratinous | Kinematic pair | Kinetoplastid flagellate | Kinematic diagram |
Karyolysis | Keratoconus | Ketolytic enzyme | Kinematic synthesis |
Ketogenic diet | Kinematic viscosity | Kinetoplast network | Kinetocore |
Kinematograph | Karyosome | Karyogamy | Keratomalacia |
Kinematometry | Ketone body | Kinetochore | Karyomegalic |
Kinesitherapy | Ketogenic diet | Keratoacanthoma | Kinematic analysis |
Keratomalacia | Karyopknosis | Kinetic energy | Keratoplasty |
Keratohyalin | Karyotype | Karyorrhexis | Kinetochore protein |
Kanamycin | Kinematograph | Keratomycosis | Ketopentose |
Karyolysis | Kinesophobia | Karyolytic | Kinematic equation |
Here are 120 science words that start with K, numbered and bolded:
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- Kelvin
- Kinematics
- Ketosis
- Kaleidoscope
- Karyotype
- Kinetic
- Keratin
- Kingdom
- Kaolinite
- Ketone
- Kilogram
- Kinetin
- Krypton
- Knot
- Karst
- Keystone species
- Kilojoule
- Krill
- Kinesiology
- Kurtosis
- Kwashiorkor
- Kuiper Belt
- Krebs cycle
- Kelp
- Kilobase
- Kaon
- Kinesin
- Kinase
- Kyphosis
- Karyokinesis
- Ketoacidosis
- Keratinization
- Kinetochore
- Kala-azar
- Ketogenesis
- Kinesthesia
- Kinetoplast
- Karyogamy
- Kiloparsec
- Kuru
- Ketolysis
- Kleptoplasty
- Krebs-Henseleit cycle
- Karyoplasm
- Kinetoplastid
- Kinetosome
- Kairomone
- Klinokinesis
- Kenogenesis
- Kink
- Keratitis
- Kininogen
- Kinetonucleus
- Ketolytic
- Kurtzke scale
- Keratinocyte
- Kininase
- Kinetoplastida
- Kala-azar
- Keratomalacia
- Kinetochore fiber
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Keratohyalin
- Kinematograph
- Keratinized
- Kinesiotherapy
- Kanamycin
- Karyolymph
- Ketonuria
- Kinetochore microtubule
- Keratolysis
- Kinesiophobia
- Karyomere
- Ketogenesis
- Kinematometry
- Keratinization
- Karyorrhexis
- Ketogenic
- Kinetoplast DNA
- Keratocyte
- Kinesiologist
- Karyosome
- Ketolytic enzyme
- Kinematic viscosity
- Keratinous
- Karyomicrosome
- Ketoreductase
- Kinetoplastid flagellate
- Keratometer
- Kinesitherapy
- Karyomitosis
- Ketose
- Kinematic pair
- Keratoplasty
- Kinetodesma
- Karyogamy
- Ketosteroid
- Kinematic chain
- Keratinophilic
- Karyolysis
- Ketone body
- Kinematic diagram
- Keratectomy
- Kinetoplast network
- Karyomegalic
- Ketohexose
- Kinematic synthesis
- Keratoconus
- Kinetochore
- Karyopknosis
- Ketogenic diet
- Kinematic analysis
- Keratoacanthoma
- Kinetoplastid protozoa
- Karyotyping
- Ketopentose
- Kinematic equation
- Keratomycosis
- Kinetochore protein
- Karyolytic
This extensive list of 120 science words starting with K showcases the rich diversity of scientific terminology across various disciplines. From fundamental concepts like Kelvin and Kinematics to specialized terms such as Karyotype and Ketosis, these words form the backbone of scientific communication.
Moreover, this collection highlights the interconnectedness of different scientific disciplines. For instance, Kinetic energy links physics with biology through concepts like Kinesin proteins. Similarly, Ketones bridge chemistry and nutrition science.
Ultimately, this vocabulary isn’t just a list of words. It’s a testament to human ingenuity and our endless quest for knowledge. Whether you’re studying thermodynamics with Kelvin, exploring genetics through Karyotypes, or investigating metabolism via Ketosis, these K words open doors to countless scientific wonders.

James Smith is an experienced blogger at PhrasePick, where he shares his expertise in English grammar and figurative language. With a passion for simplifying complex topics, James creates engaging content that helps readers master the nuances of the English language.